Somewhere near the edge of the Milky Way, the constellation of Orion reminded the Egyptians of their deceased god Osiris, reclining on the banks of the Nile. Just behind Orion, Sirius appears in the southern winter sky. This star, the brightest in the sky, is Isis, looking for her dead husband. Touched by how the cosmos reflected this human drama, the tiny within the large, I designed the Orion Cube as a machine allowing to experience that imaginary comprehensiveness. The cube (230 x 230 cm), fit for the human body, brings to mind both the Vitruvius-man of da Vinci and the Kaaba, the ancient black temple in Mecca. The Orion cube has been set up several times, including in the Saint Michael church in Leuven, but has now been dismantled. Nowadays I display the walls separately as 'gates of Orion'. The constellation of Orion was presumably considered by the Egyptians as the gateway through which the soul can reach heaven. A series of graphic works and paintings was created covering the same theme.
De Orionpoort, pastel op collage van etsen, 230cm x 230cm
De Orionpoort, collage van etsen, 230cm x 230cm
Orionpoort, module, ets, 33cm x 44cm
Orionpoort, module, ets, 33cm x 44cm
Orionpoort, module, ets, 33cm x 44cm
Orionpoort, module, ets, 33cm x 44cm
Orionpoort, dubbele module, ets, 44cm x 66cm
Orionpoort, dubbele module, ets, 44cm x 66cm
Orionpoort, ontwerp, krijt, 50cm x 65cm
Orionproject, Lamot-site 2005
Orionproject, Lamot-site, Mechelen 2005
Orionkubus, installatie 'Twaalf weken van Sint Michiel' Leuven 2007
Orionkubus, installatie 'Twaalf weken van Sint Michiel', Leuven 2007
Orion, performance, 'Twaalf weken van Sint Michiel', Leuven 2007
Orion, performance, 'Twaalf weken van Sint Michiel', Leuven 2007
Orion, performance, 'Twaalf weken van Sint Michiel', Leuven 2007
Orion, performance, 'Twaalf weken van Sint Michiel', Leuven 2007
Orionkubus, installatie op de IJzerenberg, 2009
Zelfportret als Osiris, olieverf op paneel, 55cm x 70cm
Orionpoort, pastel op collage van etsen, 88cm x 110cm
De komst van Osiris, pastel op kleurenets, 49cm x 68cm
De komst van Osiris, kleurenets, 49cm x 68cm
De opkomst van Sirius, olieverf op doek, 93cm x 118cm
De tempel (1), olieverf op paneel, 55cm x 100cm
De tempel (1), olieverf op paneel, 55cm x 70cm
Complaining Osiris, olieverf op doek, 75cm x 90cm